More than 55 stickers of Constantin Artachino Artworks for iMessage Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- House on Capri Island
- Wild Roses
- Small Bouquet of Roses
- Scânteia (The Spark)
- Cityscape
- Girl With Flowers
- Landscape with Houses at Balcic
- Scene from Dobruja
- Turk Women on the Shore of Danube
- House at the Countryside
- Still Life
- Poor Childhood
- Lipoveanul
- Christ (Study)
- Acareturi
- Towards the Springs
- Little Shepherd
- Dobrujan Woman
- Peasant Bakestone
- Eros
- On the Terrace
- Street in Turtucaia
- Fishing
- Boats on the Shore of Danube
- Dobrujan Landscape
- The Mosque in Ada Kaleh
- Tatar Cottage
- Oriental Bourg
- Landscape with Mosque
- Waiting
- Almond Bargainer
- Turk Bargainer
- Turk
- Turk
- Tatar Inn
- Corner of Bucharest During Winter
- Winter End
- Biblis Transformed Into a Brook
- Yellow Roses
- Roses
- Pink Rose
- Lilies
- Margarets
- Edelweiss in Brown Vase
- Pipkin with Alewifes
- Pipkin with Mallows
- Pipkin with Mallows
- Landscape with Ruins
- Provence Vineyards
- Balcic Gulf
- On the Meadow
- White Headscarf
- The Old Man
- Cliffs
- Plums